
One of the friendliest grounds to visit. One of the few places where stewards genuinely laugh and joke with you. You also get the feeling that they are pleased you are there! The ground lies in the mainly residential area of Torquay called Babbacombe.
A small main stand which allows away fans about a quarter of its capacity and which must be one of the few remaining wooden stands in the league. In front of the main stand there is a terraced area in which I am not sure if away fans are allowed to stand in pitchside. A covered terrace behind one goal gives away fans a good area. A larger covered terrace runs alongside the opposite side of the pitch. Behind the other goal is the family stand with what looks like some executive boxes. A real bonus is that there is street parking outside the ground.
A ground which is belongs to the proper football ground category and which will never be destined for anything other than the lower leagues. I like this ground and it is one that should be visited

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Season 2003/04
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design : solarflair